Motorist loses car after ninth (!) Arrest for driving without a license

A motorist who was caught driving without a license for the ninth time has had to say goodbye to his car. The previous eight times he managed to convince the police that he was not the owner, but during the last arrest the police found sufficient evidence that he made up that story.

The man was pulled over because of ‘conspicuous driving behavior’, writes the Aalsmeer-Uithoorn police Instagram. Soon after the arrest it turned out that the man did not have a valid driver’s license, after which the officers entered the police systems. It turned out that the man had already been arrested eight times before for the same offense: driving without a driver’s license.

Motorists who repeatedly cross the line in this way will soon have to hand in their car. The fact that this man was still driving it had to do with an administrative ruse. He had registered the car in someone else’s name, which made it impossible for the police to seize the car for a long time.


“How do you confiscate something that does not belong to that person?”, the police team describes the dilemma. Nevertheless, they succeeded in seizing the BMW, because during a search of the car, the agents came across “evidence that makes it very likely that the driver is the main user of the car.”

The traffic officer also appeared to value the found evidence, as it turned out during a call. “Seize the vehicle for confiscation,” the prosecutor advised. Not much later, the car was towed away by the police.
