Motorist drives into man in the center of Eindhoven: ‘He had mistreated me’

A 47-year-old motorist from Eindhoven was arrested on Saturday morning. He is suspected of having deliberately run into a 39-year-old man from Vught on the Kleine Berg on Friday night.

The police are still busy on Sunday with the investigation into what exactly happened on the Kleine Berg around half past three in the morning.

Attempted manslaughter
The driver of the Fiat 500 drove over several scooters and ended up with his car against a building.

The Eindhoven resident is suspected of attempted manslaughter. He has been detained in the police station and will be brought before the examining magistrate in Den Bosch on Monday.

According to the Eindhoven resident, he would have been mistreated by the Vughtenaar he ran into. That man has also been arrested and is still in custody. Both men had to be treated for their injuries.

The woman who was in the car with the Eindhoven resident was initially also arrested, but has since been released.

Images of the collision appeared on Dumpert:
