Motorist disables five police cars during spectacular chase in Germany | Car

During a chase in the German town of Ahlen and a number of other cities, a total of five police cars were destroyed. The escapee managed to stay ahead of the agents for a long time with his old Golf 1.4. It was only when the car skidded that he was arrested.

The chase started when a witness turned himself in to police after seeing a suspicious vehicle driving around a business park early in the morning. When the police wanted to check the vehicle and the driver, the car tore away.

The officers chased the VW Golf through several cities, including Ahlen, Neubeckum, Ennigerloh and Oelde. Moments later, the fugitive drove onto the A2 highway, where he pushed several police cars off the road. At the bottom of the highway in Beckum, he rammed into a number of police cars that tried to stop him.

Stolen license plates

When the 40-year-old driver was driving back onto the A2 motorway towards Dortmund at the Beckum interchange, his car skidded and was locked in by the police. The man was subsequently arrested. Rescuers took him to a hospital for outpatient treatment. A police officer was also slightly injured in the incident.

When the officers searched the car, they found a weapon, among other things. The attached license plates on the VW Golf 4 were stolen and very conspicuous, as they were marked with the letter ‘E’. In Germany these are used to indicate that it is a modern electric car goes and that does not rhyme with the older appearance of this Golf.

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