Motorcyclist hit by Tesla with Autopilot dies

08/01/2022 at 13:18


The company is under in-depth study by US regulatory agencies

Between 38 and 273 crashes have occurred since the ‘autopilot’ began to work

A motorcyclist was hit and killed last weekend after a Tesla driver bump into him from behind while the brand’s autopilot system, known as ‘autopilot’, was active. It has happened specifically in Utah, in the United States.

Tesla’s controversial autopilot system has not convinced the United States authorities. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The list of problems that this Tesla system has given according to this agency is quite high, specifically 48 crashes in which 39 of them are involved Tesla vehicles, 19 of them ended with the death of someone.

This raises the fear that Tesla is forced to make a massive appeal to the users of these vehicles to be able to fix whatever happens to them. In principle, this call would be a hardware update so it would not be necessary to go to the Tesla offices to carry it out.

On the other hand, other means of the United States Government raise the Autopilot accident figure up to 273 crashes.
