Motorcyclist (66) must be resuscitated on the street

An ambulance from the fire brigade (symbolic photo)

The man was taken to a hospital (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentral

From BZ/dpa

A 66-year-old lost consciousness after falling off his motorcycle on Berlin’s Clayallee and had to be resuscitated.

A police spokeswoman said on Wednesday morning that according to witnesses, no outside influence was responsible for the fall on Tuesday afternoon.

The man then suddenly complained of chest pain. A short time later, witnesses had to start resuscitation.

Arriving police and firefighters continued rescue efforts before the man was taken to a hospital.

The now acute danger to life is more likely to be due to a medical emergency than to the fall, the spokeswoman said.

The Clayallee was closed for about two hours as a result of the rescue measures. Bus services were also affected.


Berlin police motorcycle accident
