MotoGP GP Indonesia, Oliveira wins after the flood. Male Bagnaia: 15th

On the wet track the Portuguese of KTM triumphs ahead of Quartararo and Zarco. Morbidelli, 7th the first of the Italians; Bastianini, 11th, remains the leader of the world championship

Drop, drop Oliveira. With the rain of Mandalika, Miguel Oliveira goes to a wedding, who with Ktm shifts the cards and wins an Indonesian MotoGP GP held in very difficult conditions: wet track due to the deluge that started about an hour before the start, shortened race, 20 laps instead of 27, to “preserve track conditions due to the asphalt”, as Franco Uncini, MotoGP GP safety manager said, and the start was postponed at 9.15 am Italian time, an hour and a quarter later than expected , for security reasons. From this lottery the Portuguese emerges with caliber, a specialist in the wet, who is accompanied on the podium by Fabio Quartararo, second after a final forcing that worries a bit Oliveira, and Johann Zarco, third with the Ducati Pramac. The first of the Italians is Franco Morbidelli, 7th with Yamaha, while Enea Bastianini, 11th in defense with Ducati Gresini, keeps the top of the world championship with 2 points ahead of Brad Binder, 8th with Ktm, and 3 on Quartararo.

bathes sinks

After Marc Marquez’s forfeit, stopped and ‘unfit’ after the terrifying flight of the warm up, which takes away a probable protagonist in the wet, it is obviously the rain that upsets the program and hierarchies outlined by the tests. After the lightning strike that strikes the track before the start, in the race the lightning bolt is therefore Oliveira, who runs away at the start and holds the distance even when the track begins to gradually dry up and Quartararo recovers. At the foot of the podium Jack Miller, 4th with the official Ducati, who however recorded the opaque test of Pecco Bagnaia: the Piedmontese finished only 15th after even risking to fall.

in the ten

They finish in the ten: 5. Alex Rins with Suzuki, after a start that seemed to have promised better; 6. his partner Joan Mir, 9th Aleix Espargaro, with Aprilia and 10th, good, the rookie Darryn Binder. A race to forget for Andrea Dovizioso, who retires due to a problem, while Luca Marini is 14th after having given some flashes in the middle of the race.

the race

At the start Quartararo starts well from pole with Oliveira, Miller, Rins and the two Pramacs behind him, while Bagnaia retires and Morbidelli advances. Three laps and the Miller-Oliveira couple sets off to make the pace, with the Suzukis climbing up. On the 5th lap, the Portuguese from KTM takes the lead and sets a peremptory pace, with Bagnaia playing the wild card: miraculously he remains standing in braking, but falls to 12th place. At the same point of Pecco’s thrill Jorge Martin falls while his partner Zarco climbs up to third position and engages with Miller and Quartararo a good battle for second position. In the last laps the fastest on the track is Quartararo, who with less water on the track launches on the assault of the fugitive Oliveira. The bearing of the Portuguese, however, holds up, while Darryn Binder, Bastianini and Aleix Espargaro make a door to the finish. None of the top five, Oliveira, Quartararo, Zarco, Miller and Rins was among the top 5 in Qatar: the rain always messes up. Mandalika confirmed this.
