Moto Guzzi V100, will the eagles of tomorrow be like this?

Guzzi fans and others are eagerly awaiting the arrival on the market of the new V100 Mandello, the crossover that projects the Moto Guzzi brand into its second century of history. Presented on the occasion of the centenary of the Larian brand, the new born brings to the debut a completely new platform that seems to have all the credentials to allow the Lombard brand to put its nose out of the niche modern classic in which, in recent years, he seems to have been self-relegated. A new cardan shaft transmission system, many interesting solutions (such as adaptive aerodynamics), but, above all, a truly new engine which, while remaining faithful to the historic V90 in terms of general layout, finally sports a design in step with the times: there are liquid cooling, four-valve cylinder head, double overhead camshaft distribution. All for a power of 115 hp, which makes this engine a rather versatile unit. And in fact, as Guzzi herself has hinted, the future models of the Aquila will be born precisely on the technical basis of the V100, projects that are still “top secret” but are unleashing the imagination of the many fans of the Mandello brand. In addition to that of Oberdan Bezzi, an independent designer who has never hidden a particular love for Moto Guzzi. So here is a rundown of the most interesting renderings made in recent months by Obiboiwho had already imagined a fascinating new version of the Le Mans sports car last January.
