Motion of sadness against new provincial government of Drenthe: ‘Hope this is no longer necessary’

The new provincial government of Drenthe received a motion of sadness in the last meeting of the year. Some of the opposition parties want to show that they are disappointed with the effect of the coalition agreement and the way in which the Provincial Executive is acting.

“This is the lightest, but the best means I could come up with to make this signal clear,” said Member of Parliament Simon Zandvliet of the SP, who submitted the motion with Party for the Animals, D66, GroenLinks, Volt and Lijst Pormes. Only Volt also voted in favor of the motion, the other parties were against (9-32).

The Drenthe States discussed for hours the elaboration of the coalition agreement recently presented by the council that BBB, PvdA, VVD and CDA concluded last summer.

The opposition parties that submitted the motion of lamentation said they lacked concrete goals and financial details. “I hope this will never be necessary again after this,” said Zandvliet. Renate Zuiker (Party for the Animals) believes that the council is guilty of a “power play” by arranging affairs outside the States. “I find that offensive.”

On behalf of the council, deputy Egbert van Dijk (BBB) ​​said that he “regrets afterwards that the process did not go optimally”. According to Van Dijk, a hand has now been extended from both sides. “Let’s grab hold of each other. Our commitment remains to work together with the States on Drenthe.”
