Motion of no confidence | Vox is at stake on 28-M in the motion of no confidence: leadership with risk of electoral damage

Vox faces its litmus test with the motion of no confidence and it does so, finally, at the gates of the electoral pre-campaign. He political result that leaves the debate (the parliamentarian is already known, the numbers do not give and Pedro Sanchez it will come out reinforced by the hand of its partners in the legislature) will leave the ultra party in a situation of greater or lesser weakness and will mark its road map towards the polls. In the joint appearance with Ramon Tamames this week, Santiago Abascal He affirmed that the initiative does not seek “profitability” nor does it intend to make “calculations” of what is best for them.

However, the announcement came in December in a moment of weakness for their formation, without being able to raise their heads after the failure of the Andalusian elections before the summer and with the PP of Alberto Núñez Feijóo leading all the polls. And above all, without having a media and institutional role beyond the controversies generated from time to time by his vice president in Castilla y León, Juan Garcia-Gallardo. “We are the third political force in Spain and who would have thought so& rdquor;reflected a weighty leader.

The reform of the Criminal Code (eliminating the crime of sedition and reforming that of embezzlement), which would later add the express modification to change the Constitutional Court (via amendment) that the Government had to stop, gave wings to the ultra party to censor Sánchez. “Faced with the inaction of the PP, we take the reins,” they reflect at the top almost three months later.

Now what is to be seen is Vox voter behavior and the consequences that the idea of ​​the motion of censure may have on the May meeting. Abascal tries to transfer to his own “total tranquility & rdquor;, also boasting of having a “united & rdquor; despite the turmoil caused by this movement.

In the ultra party there are leaders who these days value the level that they continue to maintain in the polls, in which a collapse is not appreciated. In the regional and municipal elections we will do well despite the motion”. Although they quickly corrected the expression, “despite what is trying to be transferred, not the motion & rdquor ;, what transpires from their reflections are clearly that there are doubts.

In the PP they look at the scene with satisfaction. Despite the express call of Tamames and Abascal for Feijóo to change his position from abstention to the affirmative vote, the conservatives are clear, “and now more than ever & rdquor ;, that they will not move. “Every day the spectacle is greater. We will approach the debate naturally because we know how it will start and how it will end. We abstain because we are neither with Abascal nor with Sánchez& rdquor ;, they emphasize in Genoa.

The question is that the popular believe that they will be favored by the image “of little seriousness & rdquor; that Vox has ended up contributing in this operation. “Now more than ever, I vote useful. People know what the PP is and what Vox represents”, they repeat like a mantra. Basically, a single objective: that the ultra have less strength for the benefit of their party (they understand that the transfer in most cases is direct and that Abascal’s voters will not stay at home) to demand entry into municipal and regional governments where they need your support.

“The appearance went very well”

In any case, the motion of censure has brought them back into focus, as they intended, and the election of Tamames (with a media tour that Vox did not expect) has not left them out of the main headlines for many weeks. The former PCE militant has spared no effort in showing ideological discrepancies with the party that proposes him as a candidate for the presidency of the Government in newspapers, television and radio.

He “personal brilliance & rdquor;In the words of Vox deputies, it is obvious. And, although Abascal insisted on covering up any hint of discomfort due to this media overexposure that, in fact, his party tried to stop, the situation has been out of control almost all this time.

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Until Thursday. The press conference, a few hours after ‘’ revealed the content of the speech that Tamames made in the motion (it is a draft and he assured the media that he will introduce new features and develop some more aspects) amply met the objectives set by Vox : tie the candidate short and give an image, finally, of coordination between the two parties, making it clear that neither the party is Tamames nor Tamames is from Vox. It worked. Not only did they minimize the discrepancies evidenced in interviews, but they shared some winks and even language such as the phrase “absorbent autocracy & rdquor; of which the candidate will speak, according to the published speech, and which Abascal endorsed.

The two insisted on demonstrating harmony. Tamames responded on several occasions that “the important thing & rdquor; It is what he does have in common with the party that proposes him as a candidate and he expressly mentioned three issues: the unity of Spain, the monarchy and the flag. In the background, as it also appears in the draft of his published speech, to end the Sánchez government as soon as possible and with its parliamentary alliances “that put at risk” the constitutional architecture of 1978 & rdquor ;.
