Motion: ‘Government must support MAA in its future plan’ | 1Limburg

CDA, VVD and PVV in the House of Representatives believe that the government should provide support to the province, the Schiphol Group and Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA) in drawing up a plan for the future.

This should form the basis for a new permit, a so-called airport decision. This should be completed by the end of 2024 at the latest.

Also read: It’s final: Maastricht Aachen Airport will remain open

The three parties have laid down this in a motion submitted on Thursday by CDA Member of Parliament Inge van Dijk. The motion is likely to receive a majority. Minister Harbers of Infrastructure (VVD) did not discourage the motion and left the decision to the House of Representatives.

The motion states that the Limburg Parliament has decided to keep MAA open, albeit under strict conditions. At the same time, MAA is considered an airport of great importance for the national infrastructure and the region.

Future plan
A number of matters are mentioned in the motion for the future plan. These are investing in the liveability of the environment, making the airport more sustainable, a strong business case and safeguarding the future of MAA. The House of Representatives must also be kept informed of progress, according to the motion.

It will be voted on in the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

Minister Harbers has already indicated in previous debates that MAA does not have to rely on money from the government for the operation. He also seems to have little sympathy for the contribution to an environmental fund to reduce nuisance for local residents.

Also read: Minister: ‘No money for MAA, but support for sustainability’

In any case, follow-up discussions about cooperation will be held with the Schiphol Group, now that the Limburg Parliament has opted to keep it open. Taking shares in MAA is also an option. In any case, Schiphol does not come with a large bag of money.
