Mother’s Day: five grills to go with the family

Mother’s Day is the family gathering and the time when affective connections are most latent. The origin of this date is based on a festivity of the Catholic Church, when Pope Pius XI dedicated October 11 to the “Divine Maternity of Mary”. From that celebration, in Argentina it was established that the third Sunday of October be celebrated.

Surrounding a table and prepared for lunch, the Argentine idiosyncrasy also has its favorite dish for this type of moment. The barbecue, beyond the various flavors and its particular preparation, transcends the social plane. There is nothing better than enjoying a good barbecue with the family: the perfect plan for a weekend.

In Buenos Aires, five spaces are the favorites for enjoying smoked meat. In a territory where the barbecue is the native gastronomic identity par excellence, there are not a few restaurants and grills that have the possibility of having their place on the podium.

The Cabrera (José A. Cabrera 5127)

In position 37 of the ranking Latin America’s Fifty Best Restaurants 2021 is the grill founded by chef Gastón Riveira. Among the various dishes, they stand out for their exquisite meats accompanied by casseroles to complement the tasting. Among the most recognized cuts is the “Kobe”, a Japanese bovine breed famous for its incredible flavor and one of the most expensive in the world.

Poor Luis (Arribeños at 2393)

Founded by Luis Acuña, the grill has a marked River Plate profile in the menu that positions it among the best in the city. His menu includes a wide gastronomic offer, in which the following stand out: sweetbreads, chicken or loin pamplonas, chorizos, rib eye, confit fries, grilled salmon and Uruguayan specialties.

Don Julio (from Gurruchaga and Guatemala)

The most recognized grill in the country and an international benchmark for local cuisine. The restaurant offers a selection of Argentine artisanal cheeses, empanadas, raw milk seasoned provolone, sausages and offal such as: steer chitterlings, grilled sausage, chorizo, kidneys and black pudding, as starters. The main dishes are the cuts of meat which are usually shared between two diners. The ones favored by visitors are the rib eye, the chorizo ​​steak, the tenderloin steak, the thin vacuum, the entrecote and the classic rib steak with loin.

Don Julio

The Butcher Shop (Thames 2317)

In January 2022, the American magazine Eater, specialized in gastronomy, published a list of 38 essential restaurants for any traveler visiting the city. La Carnicería, founded by Germán Sitz and Pedro Peña, was one of the most popular. Among its most original dishes, the gizzards dipped in cane honey stand out.

Grill Peña (Rodriguez Peña 682)

A traditional still life in the San Nicolás neighborhood. Founded in 1983 by Ricardo Martínez and Cesar Páez, former waiters of the renowned Bachin grill. Although the menu includes pasta and milanese, its specialty is meat, with rib eye and barbecue as the main dish.

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