Most voters are still floating. What do these Groningen and Drenthe residents have doubts about before the elections?

Most voters are still unsure about what they will vote in the national elections. Dagblad van het Noord follows nine people from Groningen and Drenthe on the way to November 22. They introduce themselves based on the themes that they consider important.

Marc Scherpen (36) from Emmen

Works as an account manager. Has a lat relationship. Last time I voted PvdA and before that I also voted VVD and D66. Now in doubt.

Peter van der Meer (66) from Dalen

Is a civil servant in the municipality of Emmen. Lives together and has adult children. Voted PVV last time. Now in doubt.

Dennis Middeljans (43) from Buinerveen

Entrepreneur. Married and father of two sons. Voted VVD last time. Now in doubt.

Alice Hofman-Tjassing (54) from Veendam

Works as a maternity nurse. Is married and has two adult children. Voted BBB last time. Now considering PVV.

Bart Eleveld (51) from Groningen

Social Psychiatric Nurse. Lives alone now, but will soon live together. Six children. Voted GroenLinks last time. Undecided between SP, GroenLinks-PvdA or Pieter Omtzigt.

Fred Meinen (63) from Paterswolde.

Is a social studies teacher. Married with adult children. Voted D66 last time. Now considering GroenLinks-PvdA.

Jannie Reinders (74) from Opende

Retired, worked as a senior advisor and service provider. Married and has one child. Voted Party for the Animals last time. Considers News Social Contract.

Cobie Schuurman (57) from Meppel

Has a perfumery in the center of Meppel. Married with children. Voted VVD last time. Considers VVD again.

Ambers Wolbers (17) from Klazienaveen

Student. Turns 18 on the day before the elections and can vote for the first time. Don’t know what yet.

Election Panel

The participants in this election panel have been selected by Dagblad van het Noorden based on their voting choice, age, place of residence and gender. The editors have made a selection that is as representative as possible based on the currently known polls.

The names and addresses come from the Regional North Panel.
