Most Germans dissatisfied with the Scholz government | Abroad

The government of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is not doing well for the time being. As many as 65 percent of Germans are dissatisfied with the work of the so-called ‘Ampelkoalition’, or ‘traffic light coalition’ of the social democratic SPD of Scholz, the liberal FDP and the Greens. This is evident from a poll by the research institute Insa for the newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

Only 27 percent give the German government good marks. Scholz himself is also in the corner where the blows fall. About 62 percent are dissatisfied with Angela Merkel’s successor. Only 25 percent give Scholz a thumbs up.

The poll asked for an overall assessment of the coalition’s work, not an assessment of specific topics. In a similar poll at the beginning of March, 46 percent of Germans were still positive about Scholz, 39 percent were dissatisfied. At the time, the coalition still received good marks from 44 percent of the Germans, 43 percent disagreed.

The effects of the war in Ukraine are also being felt in Germany, with living costs and energy prices soaring.
