Most Americans do not support abortion bans, almost as often abortion in countries with bans

Protesters in favor of abortion are heard before the US Supreme Court.Image Reuters

Abortion (virtually) banned in 22 US states, especially women against repeal Roe vs. wade

In 22 US states and territories, abortion will either be banned very soon or will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances, such as when the mother-to-be is in danger of life. Abortion rights are being curtailed in nine more states, AP News reports. After the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 Roe vs Wade ruling, the right to abortion is no longer enshrined nationally. States are free to determine their own abortion laws. New York and California, among others, enshrine the right to abortion in law.

Half of Americans want to uphold the nationwide right to abortion, 32 percent agree with the Supreme Court and want Roe vs. Reject Wade and the rest aren’t sure. This is apparent from research by The Economist and YouGov. Men are almost twice as likely as women to be against abortion and in favor of abolishing Roe vs. wade. Just under one in ten Americans believe that abortion is never allowed.

Relatively few abortions in the Netherlands, ban makes little difference to the number of abortions

In countries where abortion is prohibited, about as many abortions are performed as in countries where it is legal. This is evident from figures from the World Health Organization and the Guttmacher Institute. They examined the worldwide ‘abortion rate’, which is the annual number of abortions per thousand women aged 15 to 49. Globally, that number is 39, in countries where abortion is legal between 36 and 47 and where it is prohibited between 31 and 51. If China and India are not included, in countries where abortion is allowed, there are even far fewer abortions, 24 to 30 per thousand women of childbearing age per year. In the Netherlands, the abortion rate is even lower, here it is 9.
