Moskou: Zweden en Finland become “legitimate doelwitten” bij NAVO-toetreding | Buitenland

“Na de toetreding van Finland en Zweden zal de totale engte van Rusland’s borders met de NAVO bijna verdubbelen”, said ambassador Viktor Tatarintsev in a declaration on the website of the Russian ministry in Zweden.

“When someone still thinks that there is nothing wrong with Europe in other ways, we would like to ask them to do so, because they have been told that there is a legitimate reason for doing so because of the Russian commission rules, also from military aard,” clicks he verder.

The request tot NAVO-Toetreding van both land zijn a direct result of the Russian invasion in Oekraïne. Finland guards grandson nog op de door President Recep Tayyip Erdogan beloofde Turkse ratificatie om toe te treden tot het militaire bondgenootschap. The request from Sweden is then open to a diplomatic cruising country, after a veto from Ankara and a contract from the ratification for Hong Kong.

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