Moskou accuses West of poging dead “destabilization” in parlementsverkiezingen | Buitenland

Russia has the West accused of poging to “destabilization” in the country. Betogers die de results of the parliamentary elections of 17 December aanvechten, many zondag the stadium house of the Servische hoofdstad Belgrado aan. He will be onder sea ramen ingegooid.

KIJK. Oppositieleden bestormen gemeentehuis in Belgrado na verkiezingen

“It is evident that the collective West of the situation in the country is trying to destabilize,” said the head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, reported by RIA Novosti. Ze geleek de manifestaties in Servië met the van Maidan in Kiev, waardoor beginning 2014 a pro-Western regering aan de Macht kwam in Oekraïne.

The Servian president Aleksandar Vucic, Vienna’s nationalist party in the parliamentary district, has shown that two political agents have been called upon to storm the parliament. He will be packed with 35 people.

He received a lot of criticism from the stem bus gang from December 17th. The Organization for Veiligheid en Samenwerking in Europa (OVSE) is based on a series of “onregelmatigheden”, zoals het kopen van stemmen, de intimidatie van Kiezers and the misbruik van publieke middelen.
