“Moscow sends Asian migrant workers to the front” | War Ukraine and Russia

Russian military recruiters are said to have visited “mosques and immigration offices” with the aim of appealing to migrant workers from Central Asia. “Staff who speak Tajik and Uzbek are routinely trying to recruit migrants,” the ministry said on Twitter.

They would offer them an accelerated route to Russian nationality. That would then take six months to a year instead of the usual five years.

Moreover, the migrants would be lured with financial offers. For example, Russia offers salaries of more than 3,700 euros per month and bonuses of more than 2,100 euros.

British intelligence believes the recruited migrants are likely to be sent to the frontline. With that, Russia would like to meet the goal of 40,000 fighting volunteers. According to London, the Kremlin is trying to postpone any form of forced annexation as long as possible. After all, the last wave of conscription was received very badly.
