Moscow promised a sensitive response to US sanctions

Recognition of the DNR and LNR ,


Foreign Ministry: Moscow’s response to US sanctions will be sensitive and strong

View of the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

(Photo: Andrey Lyubimov / RBC)

Russia will give a strong response to US sanctions, reported on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The reaction will not necessarily be symmetrical, but “calculated and sensitive for the American side,” the department explained.

“The package of sanctions measures announced by the US Administration (already the 101st in a row) affecting the financial sector with the expansion of the list of persons against whom personal restrictions are introduced, is in line with Washington’s ongoing attempts to change the course of Russia,” the message says.

At the same time, Moscow has already proved that, despite all the sanctions, it is able to minimize the damage. “And even more so, sanctions pressure is not able to affect our determination to firmly defend our interests,” they stressed.

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