Morrissey cancels LA concert after half an hour

On Saturday, Morrissey performed with his band at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles. He started the open-air concert, but didn’t finish it: After about half an hour – he sang the The Smiths hit “Girlfriend In A Coma” – he left the stage without a word and didn’t come back. A video recording proves that his band members apparently knew just as little about what was happening as the audience members present.

Watch Morrissey’s departure here from about 32:32 minutes:

After several minutes of silence, a band member said, “Sorry, but due to unforeseen circumstances, the show is not going to continue. Very sorry. We’ll see you next time.”

An official explanation for the cancellation of the concert is still pending. A filming fan, for example, suspected that Morrissey might have felt sick and spoke into his own camera: “Yes, it’s cold, but come on! Give Morrissey a scarf!”

After the concert, the Greek Theater website said only that the show would be postponed to another date that has not yet been confirmed. Keep an eye on the website for more information. Morrissey’s official Instagram account said: “Thank you for coming out last night, LA. We love you and are grateful for your support. Please stand by for further announcements coming shortly.”

Morrissey recently announced the planned release of his new album BONFIRE OF TEENAGERS, which will feature Miley Cyrus, Iggy Pop, Flea and Chad Smith, among others. This will be released in the US via Capitol Records. Apparently nobody in his British homeland wants to release new music from the singer who has been polarizing for years.

Former The Smiths singer Morrissey is on tour through America from November 2022 to April 2023. You can read our review of his current work I AM NOT A DOG ON A CHAIN ​​(2020) here.
