More then 4,500 migrants arrived at 72 hours: vluchtelingenkamp op Lampedusa overvol | Buitenland

Most of the vluchtelingen and migrants were brought ashore in Lampedusa by the sea and carabinieri. One of the things that happens is that the island is built on its own.

The largest part of the building presents the workers in the center with gigantic logistical problems.

On Lampedusa as a migration hotspot, you relieve it, try to authorize so many people with bans on politicians in the vast country. This would then be processed over other vluchtelingencampen. Italy complains for a long time that the Europese Unie te little spaningen doet om migrants who travel via the Middellandse Zee het land verder te verdelen.

Op de Europese top hebben de staats- and regeringsleiders vrijdagvoormiddag de vastgelopen discussie over de migration deal alvast hervat.
