More than two hundred young people on prison waiting list | 1Limburg

There is a serious shortage of places in juvenile detention centers, as a result of which 258 young people were still on a waiting list to be placed on 1 February. As a result, the temporary youth prison in Evertsoord may remain open longer than planned.

That is what Minister Franc Weerwind (Legal Protection) writes in a letter to the House of Representatives.

Temporary prison
The existing juvenile detention centers became full and the waiting list grew longer, so former minister Sander Dekker decided to open temporary institutions. One of those temporary locations was the one in Evertsoord, which was renamed Horsterveen. Room was made for forty young people in a building next to the women’s prison.

Too few beds
At the opening in September, it was still the intention that Horsterveen would close its doors again in the spring of 2023. After all, Teylingereind youth prison is being renovated and expanded, which would solve the capacity problem. Several inspections are now questioning this. There is also a risk of a shortage of places after the renovation of Teylingereind.

“The opening of Horsterveen does not seem to provide any relief in the bed capacity for the other establishments. In the discussions conducted by the inspectorates, one wonders whether Horsterveen can be closed in two years’ time if the influx continues to increase, as is currently the case.” , writes Minister Weerwind.

Internal waiting lists
A new calculation by the ministry will follow in April. If it turns out that there are indeed too few beds, Horsterveen seems to stay open longer. Incidentally, there are not only waiting lists for juveniles outside prison. Many youth with longer sentences are still in a ward for short sentences, because there is no place to move on.
