More than three million counterfeit items stopped in 2021

Amazon sees significant progress in fighting the sale of counterfeit goods on the platform. Last year, more than three million counterfeit products were lifted with the participation of Amazon, according to a report published by the online giant on Wednesday.

It is about items that should be brought into the logistics cycle of the world’s largest Internet retailer, as well as cases in which Amazon companies and authorities were able to give information about counterfeiters’ warehouses. In 2020, according to previous reports, Amazon was able to filter out more than two million counterfeit products that were sent to the group’s fulfillment centers.

Amazon not only sells goods itself, but also acts as a platform for other retailers – and product counterfeiters often try to use this as a gateway. Last year, for example, the group expanded the controls when setting up a dealer account.

Personal verification minimizes product piracy

In the USA, Great Britain and the EU countries, among others, all applicants have been personally verified since last year. This is a deterrent, emphasized Amazon manager Anna Dalla Val. That is why the number of attempts blocked by Amazon to register a new retailer account fell from 6 to 2.6 million within a year. The range of existing dealers is also automatically searched for signs of counterfeit products.

Among other things, Amazon offers companies affected by product piracy the opportunity to register and report violations of their trademark rights. According to Amazon, more than 700,000 brands took part in this program last year – after more than 500,000 in 2020. At the same time, they reported a quarter fewer violations on average. Amazon explains the decline with the success of the proactive measures. (dpa)
