More than half of the unemployed find a stable job | Inland

Over the past ten years, more than half of the unemployed have entered the labor market in a stable manner. This is apparent from a study by the National Employment Office (RVA).

The experts of the RVA analyzed the socio-economic position of people who found work after a period of unemployment. For this they used a new method to analyze the outflow to work. An initial analysis of data from the past ten years (2010 and 2020) shows that more than 55 percent of the unemployed found a stable job. This mainly concerns people with a long education, the unemployed with an unemployment period of less than a year, cohabitants, women and the elderly.

A minority failed to return to the labor market. This is more than 17 percent and according to the authors of the study, that number is “certainly not negligible”.

The profiles of Belgians with a less stable entry into the labor market are the low-skilled, the heads of households, the singles and people with an unemployment period of more than one year. They have an increased risk of ending up in unemployment again.

Finally, it appears that these figures have remained relatively stable over the past ten years (2010 to 2020). There is an impact of the reform of the integration benefit in 2015 and an effect of the corona crisis in 2020.
