More than half of families not suitable for receiving refugees | 1Limburg

After screening, more than half of all Limburg families that have registered as shelter for Ukrainian refugees are not suitable.

Takecarebnb spokesperson Lilly Wiggers said this to L1.

A total of 1600 families have registered in our province. The number has doubled in the past three weeks, because at the beginning of March 800 families had registered.

250 families
Takecarebnb, the organization behind the screening and coordination of the reception of refugees, has so far checked 600 families from the province. Of this number it turned out afterwards that ‘only’ 250 families are actually suitable: just over 40 percent actually enter the system.

Also read: More than 800 host families for refugees

Certificate of good conduct
There is no specific reason for this, says Wiggers: “People who lose weight are also not suitable. It is also our task to inform people about their work. At the end of the conversation they see that they cannot make it happen. People should also Certificate of good conduct (VOG) are able and willing to send. So those 250 are just people who are all ‘through’ this.”

Closed room
It was previously announced that in addition to a VOG, people must also be able to offer a closed space for a refugee. “Privacy is very important and someone is coming out of a terrible situation, so you may want to follow the news,” Wiggers said earlier.

Refugees from other countries
People who apply should also realize that they may be matched with refugees from another country. “During a screening interview, we tell people on the phone that it is also possible that they are matched with people from Syria, for example.”
