More than a quarter more Dutch campers on campsites in Drenthe

Last year, ‘Good morning’ sounded more often at campsites in our country than ‘Guten Morgen’ in the queue for the shower. The Dutch went on holiday closer to home when travel was made more difficult due to the many corona measures. Campsites received 10 percent more bookings compared to 2020, reports the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)

Last year 313,000 Dutch people settled on Drenthe campsites, according to an analysis of the figures by research agency LocalFocus. That is 26 percent more than in 2020, when there were 254,000. Drenthe is one of the provinces with the largest increase. Utrecht leads the way with an increase of 60 percent. Also in North Brabant (37 percent), Limburg (30 percent) and Overijssel (22 percent) the number of compatriots who camped there rose sharply.

Gelderland most popular province

The province that was most popular with the Dutch last year is Gelderland. There, 649,000 Dutchmen pitched their tent. If you look at the popularity of the provinces, Drenthe is in seventh place. Dutch camping sites received a total of 3.8 million Dutch guests in 2021. Together, they booked an overnight stay 23 million times, an increase of 10 percent.

Last year 2,025,000 overnight stays were registered by the Dutch in Drenthe. That was also considerably more than in 2020. Then there were 1,578,000.

Look for a total overview of the different provinces in this table:
