More than 81,000 euros traded on the Zaanse Beursvloer: “Fantastic what we achieve together”

A bicycle rack, a space for young people and printers: no fewer than 51 matches were made during the Zaanse Beursvloer. The Bullekerk was the setting for this spectacle all afternoon. Various social organizations and companies made a deal with closed stock exchange. To make the result tangible, an estimated value of those deals was announced: 81,123 euros.

It was the twelfth time that the annual event, which focuses on deals between civil society organizations and companies, took place. Organizer Bas Husslage: “It is a promising result for the coming years. Some hardships await. Such as the consequences of the war in Ukraine and personnel problems. It is fantastic to see that society can achieve so much together.”

Successful matches

Mayor Jan Hamming opened the event and emphasized that it is now more important than ever to help each other. There was a massive response to this. This is how Michael van der Meer managed to get the hoped-for bicycle racks for his BMX track to collect.

Marja Keller is also overjoyed. She was looking for scanners and printers for the Ukrainians who live in the former school building, and with success. In addition to this match, contacts have also been made to get Ukrainians to work.

In the report below you can see a glimpse of this afternoon. NH Nieuws was here all day. We also take a look at the old school building Et Buut, where, in addition to scanners and printers, even more material has gone to today. Text continues below the video.

In addition to stuff, the demand for volunteers was especially high. Zaankanters voor Elkaar indicates that they have matched 75 volunteers. Many civil society organizations are eager for new growth. Bas Husslage, organizer of this event, previously said on NH Radio: “Do something good for society and sit on a board.”
