More than 8 million traffic violations in 2022 | News item

News item | 23-02-2023 | 12:00

8,153,043 traffic violations were detected in 2022 under the Administrative Law Enforcement of Traffic Regulations Act (Wahv). That is more than a year earlier, when 8,024,118 traffic fines were imposed. That is an increase of 1.6%. The fines were imposed, among other things, for speeding, driving through a red light and making handheld calls. In addition to these three violations, there has also been a significant increase in the fines imposed for the category of illegal parking/standing. That is almost 60,000 more than in the previous year. A possible explanation may be that after the corona crisis, parking in city centers increased again because the shops were open again. There is also a striking increase in the figures for telephone use by bicycle: 53,259 in 2022, compared to 45,778 a year earlier. That is an increase of 16.3%.

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Image: Ministry of Justice and Security – photographer Evert-Jan Daniels


Most traffic fines are imposed for speeding. Of the total number of fines 8,153,043 imposed, 6,512,086 were for violating the speed limit. That is a difference of 129,850 compared to the previous year. Then it was 6,641,936.

The majority of these traffic violations are detected with enforcement based on license plate numbers. In 2022, 3,014,680 speeding fines were imposed after being checked with a speed camera, in 2021 there were 2,830,213. That’s an increase of about 6.5%. 1,340,692 speeding offenses with mobile radar sets were also recorded, compared to 1,509,650 a year earlier.

There is a decrease in the number of speeding offenses with section control systems. The total number of speeding offenses detected at the section controls has decreased from 2,103,772 to 2,026,939 in 2022. That is a decrease of 3.7%. A possible explanation for this is the failure of a number of sectional control systems due to roadworks, and the congestion on the motorways, forcing motorists to adjust their speed.

A new enforcement tool was introduced in November 2022: the flex flash. A movable speed camera that stays in one place for about 2 months. The first ten flex speed cameras will be installed in 2022. The number of violations per flex speed camera is included separately in the overview of violations per speed camera.

The average fine amount for a traffic violation in 2022 was €84.16 and for a specific speeding violation this was €62.88. In 2021 this was €81.15 and €63.60 respectively.

Foreign traffic offenders

In 2022, 874,539 of the imposed traffic fines were imposed on a driver of a vehicle with a foreign license plate, compared to 784,421 a year earlier. That is a significant increase and can probably be explained by the fact that more people have visited our country again after the corona crisis. Most traffic fines are imposed on vehicles with a German, French or Belgian license plate.

* The overview of traffic fines under the Traffic Regulations Administrative Law Enforcement Act (Wahv), or Mulder Act, is compiled by the Ministry of Justice and Security, the National Police, the CJIB and the Public Prosecution Service (OM).
