More than 500 people with corona in hospitals | Inland

The figures from the National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution (LCPS) do not distinguish between people who were admitted as a direct result of their corona infection and people who ended up in hospital for another cause and who happened to be infected. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) does make that distinction and has recently seen more admissions due to corona complaints.

It is relatively quiet in the intensive care units for the time being. There are currently 22 people with corona. That number has been hovering around that level for about a month.

In total, there are now 550 people with corona in hospitals. That is the highest number since May 13, more than a month ago. It is considerably less than with the last corona wave. From the end of October to the end of April, for about six months, the hospitals continuously treated more than a thousand corona patients. At the peak in December, there were even more than 2800 corona patients in nursing wards and ICUs.
