More than 300,000 schoolchildren celebrate the ‘Dia de l’Esport 2022’ in the Valencian Community

04/06/2022 at 16:26


The Trinidad Alfonso Foundation and the Generalitat Valencianathrough the Department of Education, Culture and Sporthave driven by seventh consecutive year the initiative of sports day and they have joined forces so that Valencian children and young people have participated to the fullest in this very special day. They have also done achieving a record figure in terms of the number of centers and the number of students that has ended up joining. In total they have been almost 1,000 educational centers who have signed up, so they have been more than 300,000 children and young people have joined this initiative.

This initiative aims to all the boys and girls of the educational centers of the Valencian Community carry out a sports dayon the sidelines of his regular Physical Education class, to commemorate the World Physical Activity Day. The main act has taken place this year in the town of Xàbia. Until there they have moved project director of the Trinidad Alfonso Foundation, Daniel Olmosand the General Director of Sport, Josep Miquel Moya.

All of them have been received by the Mayor Xàbia, José Francisco Chulvi. Although the main act has been carried out there, the final objective is mobilize all the students of the Valencian Community. In any case, it is worth noting this year the enormous involvement of some municipalities, since 20 of them have wanted to make this day a party for all the students of the town in massive acts that involved different centers.

In this seventh edition have registered to participate in this initiative 156 centers in Castellón, 507 in Valencia and 307 in Alicante.

In this VII edition, 156 centers in Castellón, 507 in Valencia and 307 in Alicante have signed up for this initiative


In addition to getting involved in this Sports Day, each of the centers involved participates in a contest by drawing up a video with the activities carried out during the morning. This year’s theme revolves around adapted sports. For participating, each school received a pack of sports equipment. This year, as in the last editions, each educational center has been able to choose whether to receive that lot or, on the contrary, prefer that the equivalent in money be donated to a charitable entity.

Sports festival in the Community of l’Esport.

The General Director of Sport of the Generalitat, Josep Miquel Moya and the project director of the Trinidad Alfonso Foundation, Daniel Olmosthey have been in Xàbia tomorrow, a locality that has turned to this initiative, since all the educational centers and the town hall itself have joined. “It was a spectacular day, like every year. We are delighted with the response of the educational centers and the involvement of the localities. Every year more are added, which shows that sport is a key element in the entire educational environment. They have joined from the three provinces, demonstrating once again that we are in the Community of l’Esport. We want to emphasize the importance of playing sports from an early age. That they acquire healthy habits at this age is essential to maintain them in adulthood. We have not created anything, this vocation for sport is already standard and intrinsic in the teachers and educational centers of the Comunitat de l’Esport”, he explained Daniel Olmos.

The General Director of Sport, Josep Miquel Moyafor its part, has indicated that “the educational activities in which we are participating today are being reproduced in hundreds of Valencian towns and it is something that is not only healthy, but also necessary. The practice of sport also entails the practice of great values ​​such as social inclusion, camaraderie and peace. We are experiencing a humanitarian emergency due to the barbarity of a war and in Valencian schools we are welcoming thousands of children displaced from Ukraine, more than twenty of them in Xàbia. This week we will have some 3,000 students displaced by the war in the Valencian Community, to whom we give educational and emotional support. A necessary accompaniment where sports activities play a central role in several aspects: for them to socialize with their new classmates; at the same time so that it has a positive impact not only on their physical health, but also mentally & rdquor ;.

In addition to Joseph Miquel Moya and Daniel Olmos, four athletes from the FER Project were in the schools of Xàbia getting involved in this sports day. the rugby player Cesar Semperthe athletes Ivan Cano and Hector Cabrera and the coach Ainhoa ​​Martinez great representatives of the Paralympic world, which was the theme of the day, since both returned from the Paralympic Games in Tokyo with two medals.

Solidarity project: Move-TThe solidarity entity chosen this year, and which was chosen by the centers themselves from two options proposedis “Active School”, a project carried out by the Spanish Association Against Cancer of Valenciawhich seeks to increase the time that children and young people dedicate to physical activity inside and outside their educational center and thus reduce the risk of minors suffering from non-communicable diseases such as cancer.
