More than 30 houses have already been damaged by the Hoost construction project

More than 30 houses have already been damaged by the Hoost construction project

Work started in January on the construction of a large new residential project in the center of Heist. Since then, subsidence has cropped up. Last week it was already decided to shut down all gas supplies in the area due to stability problems at the yard.

Francine Vantorre from Stadhuisstraat, for example, has cracks in the floors and walls. “In September my granddaughter was suddenly unable to leave the guest room due to a pinching door. That door had come up in such a way that she was locked up. We then did everything to get that door open.”

There are more than 30 houses in the vicinity of the construction site with damage. In the meantime, experts have also come by. Everything has been carefully measured and the evolution of the crevices and damage are also monitored. Help has been promised, but it is also said that it can all take a very long time.

Reaction construction group Artes

The construction group Artes Depret is very bored with the case. The project developer is aware of the damage and will respond in a written communication. He even apologizes. “Unforeseen circumstances in the subsoil cause settlements that are too great. With our team and the cooperation of the municipality, we try to keep the burden on residents as short and minimal as possible. The insurance experts will handle the damage files. Artes would like to apologize to the victims for the damage suffered.”

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