More than 25,000 evacuees from Donbass have already entered Russia

According to the latest data, more than 25 thousand people have already left the territory of the self-proclaimed republics and crossed the border with Russia. TASSreferring to the statement of the head Ministry of Emergency Situations LPR Evgenia Katsavalova.

Evacuation of women, the elderly and children from the LPR and DPR began on the evening of February 18, due to the deteriorating situation on the line of contact. According to the agency “Interfax”which refers to the data of OSCE observers, the ceasefire was violated about 700 times in the Luhansk region during the day, and more than 200 in the Donetsk region.

Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin in your video message said that from Friday evening a mass, centralized departure of the population of the self-proclaimed republics to the Russian Federation would be organized.

In a few hours, the line of cars wishing to leave, according to eyewitnesses, stretched for tens of kilometers. Six checkpoints were organized to cross the border by personal and public transport. According to TASS, more than 400 rescuers and 150 pieces of equipment provide evacuation. On Saturday, trains will also be used for evacuation.

The Rostov region has already received financial assistance from the federal budget of Russia in the amount of 5 billion rubles. These funds will be used to organize the reception of residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. In particular, refugees arriving in the region will be paid 10,000 rubles each.

GU Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Rostov region put on high alert. Specialists of the Don Rescue Center are deploying life support camps to receive evacuees. According to RIA Newsabout 400 people are already in places of temporary accommodation.

Rescuers, employees of Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health are working at the places of refugee reception. Acting head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Alexander Chupriyan and head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova arrived in the Rostov region.
