More than 20,000 voted for the best street food: Victory for Finland!

Finnish food trucks took three victories in the European street food championships.

Joonas Alhainen and the winning dish brisket & mac’n’cheese. Buli food truck

The Finnish food trucks Buli foodtruck and Kusmiku have won the European Street Food Awards competition. The competition was held in Saarbrücken, Germany. 22 food trucks from 16 different countries that made it to the finals through the qualifiers competed in the final.

Joonas Alhainen owned by Buli from Helsinki won the competition in the categories of best main dish and audience favorite. Buli’s influences come from the American barbecue culture, but instead of a smoker, the meat is cooked using sous vide technology and finished with a charcoal grill found in a car.

– In the main food category, we competed with a brisket & mac’n’cheese portion, which we know is a diamond, so anything other than a win would have been a disappointment, Alhainen tells

– People’s choice, i.e. winning the public vote, was definitely a great honor for us and the most prestigious prize of the competition, because this work is done for the customers. According to the organizer, there were more than 20,000 voters, and for the first time the award went outside the host country, with an avalanche of votes, he continues.

In addition to Alhais, the team included Jesse Lohilahti, Pippa Ilola and Susanna Turpeinen.

Buli’s team was jubilant about the victories. Especially becoming the audience’s favorite warmed the team’s mind. Buli food truck

Kusmiku from Heinola, on the other hand, won the dessert category with his sweet licorice pizza. Owned by Kusmiku Miku Leppälä and Jenita Leppälä. The team also includes Juha Silvennoinen. Kusmiku’s menu includes various burgers, breaded chicken and steaks.

The European Street Food Awards, the British Street Food Awards and the USA Street Food Awards, which will be launched this fall, form the world’s largest street food competition. The competition was founded by an award-winning food supplier Richard Johnson 13 years ago, and the jury includes both Michelin star chefs and respected food suppliers.
