More than 2000 dangerous products reported in the EU

More than 2000 dangerous products such as dolls or clothing were reported in the EU last year. EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders warned on Monday in Brussels about children’s toys that can give off chemicals or cause injuries. The products were primarily toys (23 percent), followed by automobiles, cosmetics, clothing and electronics, Reynders said.

Overall, the EU rapid alert system for dangerous non-food items was triggered last year 2117. This was followed by 3932 recalls, sales or import stops. As in the previous year, more than 50 percent of the products complained about came from China.

Around 30 European countries and the EU Commission exchange information about products in the EU rapid warning system for dangerous non-food products. In this way, other countries can quickly check whether products are also circulating on the domestic market and, for example, initiate recalls. In 2021, with 2142, a similar number of cases were reported as in 2022. (dpa)
