More than 2.6 million traffic violations in the first four months of 2023 | News item

News item | 22-06-2023 | 2:00 PM

In the first four months of 2023, 2,662,482 traffic violations were detected. Compared to the same period last year, this is an increase of 9.1 percent. At that time, 2,440,672 traffic fines were imposed under the Traffic Regulations Administrative Enforcement Act (Wahv). This concerns, for example, speeding, parking where it is not allowed, handheld telephone use, not complying with the helmet obligation and not using bicycle lights*.

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Image: Ministry of Justice and Security – photographer Loes van der Meer

More violations due to stopping and speed cameras

In the first tertial of 2023, 925,490 speeding offenses were detected using speed cameras, compared to 918,035 in 2022. That is an increase of 0.8%. This is partly due to the use of extra speed cameras in the form of flex flash units. Mobile radar sets saw an increase of 3.5%, from 438,881 speeding fines in the first four months in 2022 to 454,284 this year. The number of speeding offenses detected with section control systems has decreased slightly, from 586,058 in the first tertial of 2022 to 580,290 this year.

The number of standing orders has risen sharply: from 146,631 in the first tertial of 2022 to 232,825 in the same period of 2023. This is partly due to choices made by local authorities and the police about the use of capacity.

Helmet obligation

Since 1 January 2023, helmets are compulsory for moped riders. In the first tertial of 2023, 4,129 fines were imposed on moped riders for this. For moped riders, this amounted to 27,612 fines in the first four months of 2023. The failure to use bicycle lights has also risen remarkably. A total of 20,656 fines were imposed for this in the first tertial of 2023, compared to 10,609 fines the year before.
In addition, an increase can be seen in the number of violations for acting contrary to a closed statement, i.e. entering a road that you are not allowed to drive on. This mainly occurs in cities, where such a ban is increasingly being enforced on license plate with a camera. In the first four months of 2023, 41,213 fines were imposed against 10,749 fines in the same period last year for the offense ‘acting as a driver (including, for example, a bicycle) in violation of a closed statement in both directions’. In the first four months of 2023, 37,947 fines were imposed for the offense of ‘acting contrary to a closed statement for motor vehicles only’, compared to 14,897 fines in the same period of 2022.

Foreign traffic offenders

In the first four months of 2022, more traffic violations were also detected on foreign license plates. The number of traffic fines under the Wahv sent to a foreign traffic offender rose from 227,642 in the first tertial of 2022 to 255,379 this year.

* The four-monthly overview of traffic fines under the Traffic Regulations Administrative Enforcement Act (Wahv), or Mulder Act, is compiled by the Ministry of Justice and Security, the police, the CJIB and the Public Prosecution Service (OM).
