More than 180 Russians will be warned about the registration for the service on the Georgians | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

Russia is on the Georgian side by sea, then 180 men who fly out of the country will not be able to register for the overhand service. That reports the Russian persagentschap Interfax zondag. The men test the ground in the country where they are referred to the laying service.

The men will report to the major post office of Verkhni Lars and there will be no notifications about the letter service, as long as Interfax is requested by the authorities of Noord-Ossetië, the autonomous republic within the Russian Federation which is greater than Georgië.

The Russian President Vladimir Poetin had a preliminary plan for the mobilization of about 300,000 reservists. De announcing zorgde voor protesten en tienduizenden men zijn al gevlucht naar buurlanden as Georgia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

Noord-Ossetië kondigde daarop woensdag nieuwe inreisbeperkingen aan. It was also agreed that he aan de grens sea controls were going to be used by men from official leeftijd. Russia installeerde afgelopen dinsdag also a “mobiel mobilisatiebureau” aan de grens met Georgië, voor the Russians who tried the country te ontvluchten.

The Russian Ministerie van Defensie kondigde ondertussen also aan dat the recruit training zullen krijgen in the “eighth deel” van de Gevechtszone. It was reported that the operations were performed in the first instantie ontplooid zouden in the middellijke omgeving van de oorlogszone, not in the zone Zelf.

The Russians who were mobilized want everything to be done on the front line: “We’ve raised a lot, used tampons for the Kogelwonden”

Is the stoel van Poetin really aan het wobble? (+)

Herbekijk ok: Belgian Rus done hoe hij te voet mobilisatie ontvlucht
