More than 150 Argentine works of Fine Arts arrive at the CCK

Antonio Bernie, Sara Facio, Leon Ferrari, Gyula Kosice, Julius Le Park, Marta Minujin Y Louis Philippe Noah, are some emblematic artists of the country. They are part, along with 150 other creators, of the exhibition of paintings, engravings, sculptures and photographs in the Kirchner Cultural Center.

Contemporary scenes. Tours of the collection of the National Museum of Fine Arts. Argentine art 1960-2001”, presents the collection of artistic works by national authors of the National museum of fine arts. The exhibition can be visited from August 4, with free admission.

“It is about looking at issues that crossed Argentine society and culture between the 60s and 90s. Each axis explores the works that emerged in times of alternation of democratic and military governments; the proposals that challenge the canon, from the radical ruptures of the avant-garde of the 1960s to the redefinition of the place of painting in the 1980s; the dilemmas of a Latin American aesthetic, and the intervention of the body as a support for artistic action”, explains the curator of the exhibition Marchesi .

Carlos Alonso

The exhibition will have five routes that the public will be able to appreciate. “Challenge the rules of art”, “Images, history, memory”, “The future of painting”, “Abstraction. american identity” Y “rethink the bodies”. In these paths, the evolution and transformation of native art over the decades will be contemplated.

Sara Facio

Andres Duprat, director of the Fine Arts, expresses: “In addition to presenting a selection of important pieces of Argentine art from the collection of our Museum, it articulates, in a joint action, two relevant cultural institutions: the National Museum of Fine Arts and the Cultural Center Kirchner. The first, a centennial museum that treasures one of the most significant visual memories, and the second, the newest and most modern cultural center in Argentina”.

by RN

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