More than 13,000 people are missing out on rental support, Groen wants automatic allocation | Economy

More than 13,000 Flemish people who were entitled to a rental premium in 2022 did not apply for it. This is evident from figures that Groen requested from Housing Minister Matthias Diependaele (N-VA). “More than 13,000 people who have difficulty making ends meet are missing out on the support they are entitled to and the Flemish government is allowing it to happen. We want the premium to be awarded automatically and for prospective tenants to receive the support after one year,” says Groen co-chair Nadia Naji.

The Flemish rental premium is intended for private tenants who have been on a waiting list for social housing for more than four years. But not everyone who meets the conditions set and who may therefore be entitled to a premium applies for it, even if those entitled persons are automatically sent an application form.

Figures requested by Groen show that in 2022, 23,401 forms for applying for the premium were sent to potential beneficiaries. But only 10,115 applications were ultimately submitted.

“Left to their fate”

“People who have difficulty making ends meet and are waiting for social housing do not have the money to rent a home on the private market for more than double the price. In reality, this means that these people are left to fend for themselves and fall deeper into poverty as long as they do not receive that premium. Allocating the premium to more people faster and automatically without them having to fill out a lot of paperwork is essential in the fight against poverty,” says Naji.

Groen insists on the automatic award of the premium and also wants prospective tenants to be able to receive the premium after one year.
