More than 10 million people have left Ukraine since Russian invasion

More than 10 million people have left Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion on February 24. Since then, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has been tracking the number of border crossings and also counts more than 4 million people who have just gone to Ukraine.

The organization has registered a total of 6.2 million refugees from Ukraine residing in Europe. A large part of them are in Poland, namely 1.2 million. About 70,000 refugees from Ukraine now live in the Netherlands. This mainly concerns women and children, because men between the ages of 18 and 60 can be drafted into the army and therefore not allowed to leave the country. The UNHCR estimates that 1.8 million people have also moved to Russia.

Of the 4 million people who crossed the border into Ukraine, it is unknown how many have returned permanently. UNHCR wrote last month that a survey showed that the vast majority of Ukrainians want to return to their country, but at the same time do not expect to be able to return for the time being.

Ukraine had more than 41 million inhabitants at the beginning of the war, not counting the inhabitants of the Crimean peninsula, which was annexed by Russia.
