More support for Ukrainian refugees | News item

News item | 22-02-2023 | 06:00

Municipalities will receive 15 million euros to offer Ukrainian refugees Dutch lessons in an accessible way. Speaking Dutch makes it easier to find a job, helps with contacts with Dutch people and ensures that Ukrainian children can follow Dutch education.

This is written by Minister Karien van Gennip of Social Affairs and Employment to the House of Representatives. The aim is for municipalities to develop a language offer that Ukrainian displaced persons can follow voluntarily. This helps them, for example, to find a job at their own level.

Van Gennip: ,,A year ago the terrible war started in Ukraine, forcing millions of people to flee their country. Despite these difficult circumstances, many of them in the Netherlands have resumed their lives and found work. That is an extraordinary achievement. I also appreciate that many employers have opened their doors to this group. We now see that Ukrainians have a growing need to learn Dutch and find work at their own level. We will help with that.”

Get to work quickly

The latest figures show that more than 30,000 Ukrainian displaced persons were working in the Netherlands on November 1, 2022. This amounts to 46 percent of Ukrainians aged 15 to 65 in the Netherlands. This share is expected to continue to grow. However, these are often temporary contracts and the work does not always match the skills and experiences of the employee.


Last spring Ukrainians in paid employment were exempted from the compulsory work permit, allowing them to start work quickly. They also do not have to go through procedures for the right of residence and integration. The enthusiasm, involvement and support among many Dutch people for receiving Ukrainian displaced persons in the Netherlands seems to have had a great effect in finding a job quickly, for example through informal networks. Employers and municipalities have creatively and proactively created opportunities. Minister van Gennip considers it an assignment for all to maintain this momentum, also with regard to other groups of newcomers.

Draw lessons

Ukrainians have entered the workforce faster than we usually see among other groups of newcomers with a refugee background. They have gained access to the Netherlands in a different way and the facilities differ from those of other groups. These groups cannot therefore be compared one-on-one, but the cabinet would like to learn lessons to encourage asylum status holders to get to work more quickly. The participation of Ukrainians in the longer term is monitored and compared with other newcomers.
