More students will start tomorrow in PRIZMA in Izegem: “We have also found extra teachers”

More students will start tomorrow in PRIZMA in Izegem: “We have also found extra teachers”

At the Prizma Campus IDP in Izegem, about 500 students start their trade, fashion and care training: directions that are clearly on the rise. “That is unique for us. We have clearly seen an increase in recent years,” says director Piet Pieters.

Also lateral entrants

More students also means more teachers. But a number of people have retired or dropped out of education. And so 18 new teachers had to be found. Tomorrow six lateral entrants will start here, people who make the transition from the professional field to education.

“We didn’t have to do tricks and put people in front of the class who really don’t belong there,” says the director.

Full-time assignments

Yet it is quite a feat to close all the gaps, because how do you attract almost twenty new teachers, if everyone is fishing in the same pond? “People in education know that a vacancy is often about a part-time assignment for a limited period of time. In our case, it was often about full-time assignments for a full school year with prospects for the future.”

Tomorrow a number of recently graduated teachers will also start working here.
