More starting entrepreneurs are eligible for corona support | news item

News item | 11-03-2022 | 14:30

There will be corona support for starting entrepreneurs who were not previously eligible for the Fixed Cost Allowance (TVL) scheme. This concerns starters who are limited in their business activities in the fourth quarter of 2021 and/or the first quarter of 2022. The cabinet is making 35 million euros of corona support available to them. The Council of Ministers has approved the proposal from Minister Adriaansens of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy to set up this scheme.

According to the cabinet, there is a difference between companies that started before the corona crisis and entrepreneurs that started during the pandemic. The latter group has been more aware of the unpredictable nature and thus the economic risks. But these entrepreneurs also ensure that the Netherlands does not stand still and that we get off to a strong start after a crisis. This was the decisive factor in the cabinet’s decision to accommodate this group of starting entrepreneurs, who have not yet received previous support.

Scheme for starters in the period June 30, 2020 – September 30, 2021

With the TVL starter scheme, the cabinet supports entrepreneurs who started between 30 June 2020 and 30 September 2021. With regard to the loss of turnover threshold, the subsidy percentage and the minimum subsidy amount, the TVL starter scheme is equal to the regular TVL in the same quarter (Q4 2021 and/ or Q1 2022). This also applies to the method of advance payment and definitive determination of the subsidy. The maximum subsidy amount is set at EUR 100,000 per quarter.

If a company is part of a group, the TVL start-up scheme can only be invoked if all companies within the group have started after June 30, 2020. In the proposed TVL start-up scheme, the subsidy period Q4 2021 and Q1 2022 will one reference quarter will be used: Q3 2021. This is a quarter with few restrictive corona measures. An alternative reference period is necessary for entrepreneurs who started in Q3 2021. They can only receive a TVL subsidy before Q1 2022, using the first three months following the month of registration as the reference period.

The Ministry of EZK will work out the subsidy scheme in detail in the coming period and then open it up. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) will then implement the TVL starter scheme on behalf of the ministry.
