More speed on the Dragonerareal, please!

For BZ editor Andreas Vollbrechtshausen things are progressing too slowly on the Kreuzberg Dragonerareal

For BZ editor Andreas Vollbrechtshausen things are progressing too slowly on the Kreuzberg Dragonerareal Photo: picture alliance / Rainer Jensen / Ralph Günther

By Andreas Vollbrechtshausen

Finally things are moving forward on the Dragonerareal in Berlin-Kreuzberg. A comment from BZ editor Andreas Vollbrechtshausen.

The Dragonerareal in Kreuzberg was neglected for decades. In addition to the few workshops, mainly weeds grew on the fillet property. Interest in a meaningful and contemporary use has only grown in recent years.

The future of the area was presented on Monday. The plans are promising, new forms of living and working are to become reality here – environmentally friendly and social.

The only catch: it all takes a very long time. Half of the 500 new apartments will be ready for occupancy in 2030 at the earliest. That’s of little use to us contemporaries.

In this context, a little more speed in planning and implementation would be desirable. That should actually work. Elon Musk did it with his Tesla factory in Grünheide!


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