More rush-hour trains between Coevorden and Zwolle

Trains in Drenthe will run from next Sunday according to a new timetable. A number of things will change, especially on the Arriva route between Coevorden and Zwolle.

Not much will change on the NS route between Groningen and Zwolle, where the train also passes Assen, Beilen, Hoogeveen and Meppel.

Arriva will start an hour earlier with the rush-hour timetable of the trains on the Vechtdal line between Zwolle and Coevorden. According to the carrier, this is necessary because pupils and students often travel home earlier in the afternoon. As a result, four trains per hour will run between Zwolle and Coevorden from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm and four trains per hour between Coevorden and Zwolle.
