More people with corona in hospitals. Number of people admitted to more than 1100

The number of people hospitalized with a corona infection has increased rapidly over the weekend.

The National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution (LCPS) does not update the hospital figures on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. On Friday, the counter stood at a total of 962 people admitted. That means that over the weekend 164 more people were admitted than left the hospital. That is the largest weekend increase since mid-March.

Last Monday, 842 positively tested people were in hospitals. In a week, the number of people admitted has increased by 284. The nursing wards in particular have become much busier.

In the past day, 171 positively tested people were newly admitted. That is the largest influx since July 21, during the summer wave of the corona virus.

Exactly one year ago, on October 10, 2021, hospitals had 479 corona patients under their care. About a month later, in mid-November, that number had risen to over 2,000.

Fall golf

The figures from the LCPS do not distinguish between people who were admitted because of their corona complaints and people who had other health ailments and also happened to be infected. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) does use that distinction and actually sees more admissions due to corona. The institute says the fall wave has begun.
