More people in Drenthe with unemployment benefits, especially from commercial services and the metal industry

The number of people from Drenthe who applied for unemployment benefits last year increased and the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) expects this number to increase this year. This picture is the same in Groningen and Friesland.

More residents of our province received unemployment benefits, especially from the commercial services and metal industry, according to the UWV. Nationally, employees in the hospitality, catering and construction sectors also applied for benefits relatively more often. This increase fits in with the picture of the economic recession that the Netherlands found itself in last year.

At the end of last month, 4,713 people from Drenthe received unemployment benefits, which is 1.8 percent of all residents of Drenthe. That is 211 more benefits than in November, while an increase in the number of unemployment benefits in Drenthe was visible that month and also in October. Compared to a year ago, the unemployment benefit in Drenthe was 5.5 percent (247 benefits) higher.

In our province, the number of applicants for unemployment benefits increased most strongly in Central Drenthe last year: 303 compared to 268 in 2022. This means an increase of 13.1 percent. The number of unemployment benefit applicants also rose sharply in Coevorden by 10.2 percent: 312 compared to 283 the year before. In Tynaarlo, the number of unemployment benefit applicants actually decreased: 248 compared to 264 in 2022. That is a decrease of 6.1 percent.
