More money to make Drenthe politically active, but can anyone who wants to enter the provincial house?

Many people want to, but don’t know how. That is the thinking of the provincial PvdA party leader Hendrikus Loof about people who want to become politically active. And that while, according to Loof, it is important for the proper functioning of the democratic system.

The party therefore wants an additional 25,000 euros to be released annually to improve the Politically Active course.

Loof submitted a motion for this – together with the PVV, CDA, VVD and the SP – during the meeting on the budget of 2023. The motion was passed unanimously. According to the parties, there are enough residents who want to become politically active, but do not know how to go about it.

“While it is important for the proper functioning of the democratic system that people are offered the opportunity to participate in this”, emphasizes PvdA party leader Loof.

Hundreds of people from Drenthe have already participated in the free Politically Active course in recent years. In five evenings, the participants learn more about provincial politics. Many of them then go on to work as councillors, sit on a youth council or are active in a village council.

An excellent proposal, according to many parties in the Drenthe parliament. But D66 party chairman Anry Kleine Deters does have a comment: the accessibility of the council chamber in the provincial government.

“We must make it possible that really everyone can participate in the program”, says Kleine Deters. She recently heard from a fellow resident who is limited in her movements that she did not take the next step to do something in politics because she was unable to enter the state hall in a wheelchair.

“And I often see the Commissioner (Jetta Klijnsma, ed.) struggling to get to certain places. So take a good look at the accessibility,” emphasizes Kleine Deters.

Commissioner of the King Jetta Klijnsma immediately responds to this: “As chairman of the board, I can imagine that we are examining the accessibility of the state hall.”

And that’s right. Commissioner Jumelet promises that work will be done to make the state hall even more accessible: “We will come back to this.” D66 party chairman Kleine Deters says he is happy with the commitment and is happy to discuss accessibility with the deputies.
