More information about the father of the kidnapped Liverpool star – People do not appreciate

According to the authorities, Luis Diaz’s father was kidnapped by the leftist ELN Liberation Army.

Colombians showed their support for Luis Diaz, not the rebels. EPA / AOP

Soccer star by Luis Diaz the father is still in the possession of his kidnappers.

Kidnapped by Luis Manuel Diaz the authorities leading the rescue work say that the football star’s father was kidnapped by the leftist national liberation army ELN.

Both of Diaz’s parents were kidnapped on Saturday when gunmen stopped their car and took possession of it.

After the police tracked down the car, Diaz’s mother was released, but the armed people took Luis Manuel Diaz with them.

At first, authorities believed that a local criminal organization was responsible for the kidnapping. The BBC says at a press conference on Thursday that the authorities received official confirmation of ELN’s involvement in the hijacking.

The ELN is one of the oldest Colombian guerrilla movements. It has been in operation since 1964. About 2,500 soldiers belong to the movement operating in the Colombian border region.

The kidnapping of Diaz’s father has not boosted the popularity of the guerrilla movement. The 26-year-old Diaz is one of the most popular players in the national team of the soccer-mad nation. His pain has made many countrymen and women take to the streets to protest and demand the release of Father Diaz.

Luis Diaz’s teammate Diogo Jota celebrated Liverpool’s win at the weekend by paying tribute to the Colombian. EPA / AOP
