More expensive soft drinks and higher minimum wage: this will all change in 2024

From higher salaries to more expensive soft drinks and the option of a double surname for your children. Numerous laws and regulations will change again in 2024. We list the most important changes.

The good news: all workers in the Netherlands will improve in net wages this year. On average, salaries increase by around 70 euros per month. People with a minimum wage benefit the most. While someone with an average gross salary of 3,395.06 euros has a net amount of 79.17 euros more per month, for Dutch people with a minimum wage this is 266.75 euros for a 40-hour working week.

A different system is also used for minimum wages. Until now, wages were calculated per month, but from this year onwards they will be calculated per hour. And that especially matters for people with a longer working week. In 2023, the minimum wage per month was 1,995 euros gross, regardless of whether someone worked 36, 38 or 40 hours per week. This year the minimum wage per hour is 13.27 euros. With a forty-hour working week you will improve the most, with an increase of 15 percent.

From this year onwards, parents can choose to give their child a double surname. Since 1998 it has been possible to give the mother’s surname, before that a child automatically received the father’s name. If the eldest child was born on (or after) January 1, 2016, parents can make use of a transitional arrangement. This means that they can still choose a combined surname for their children from January 1, 2024.

Many households breathed a sigh of relief last year when the energy ceiling came into effect on January 1. But from 2024, the energy ceiling will disappear. While energy prices soared earlier this year, they have fallen again in the course of 2023 to below the level of a maximum of 0.40 euro cents per kWh of electricity and a maximum of 1.45 euro cents per m3 of gas.

But on top of that there is another energy measure that causes higher energy costs for some Dutch people. From this year onwards, the energy tax has been increased for natural gas. The tax on electricity is actually reduced. The outgoing cabinet wants to encourage the use of more sustainable heating options.

From this year onwards, only vapes (also known as e-cigarettes) with tobacco flavor may be sold. There was already a ban on cola, peach, cotton candy and mango flavored vapes, but now any e-liquid other than tobacco is banned. With this ban, the government wants to reduce the popularity of vapes among young people.

Tobacco and alcohol will be more expensive from 2024. As of today, an excise duty of 8.4 percent applies to drinks containing alcohol. In addition, from now on the levy of excise duty is linked to the alcohol percentage in the beer. The higher the alcohol percentage, the more expensive the beer. A pack of cigarettes will cost approximately 10 euros from April 1 this year.

From this year onwards, animal abuse and neglect will be tackled more firmly. This way, companies that harm animal welfare can be closed more quickly. From this year onwards, a ban on keeping animals may also be imposed. In serious cases, this can even be imposed for life. In addition, the maximum prison sentence for, among other things, animal abuse and neglect will be increased to five years.

In addition to your alcoholic drink, the prices for soft drinks, fruit juices and non-alcoholic beer will also increase. Plant-based alternatives to dairy are also becoming more expensive. This tax increase has now become known as the ‘sugar tax’. There is no longer any tax on mineral water. This measure is also intended to encourage consumers to make healthier choices.

Where customers paid extra from July 1 for the use of plastic tableware at pick-up locations, delivery locations and supermarkets, this charge will be waived for the time being. The rule will remain, but the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate will temporarily not enforce it. Eating fries from a plastic container in the snack bar is prohibited this year. From January 1, the use of plastic is prohibited in, among other things, the catering industry, events, offices, sports clubs and associations. Where you eat and drink on site, reusable tableware is mandatory from then on.

The premiums of all health insurers will increase this year. With the big four health insurers (Zilveren Kruis, VGZ, CZ and Menzis) you will pay an average of 5 euros to 8.50 euros more. The basic package costs an average of 9 euros more than now. This year it costs an average of 147.35 euros per month. From this year, parents can receive maternity care for up to six weeks after delivery. Aids to prevent falls in the elderly will also be included in the basic package for some elderly people.

The interest rate on student debt increases from 0.46 percent to 2.56 percent. For years it was possible to borrow at a very low interest rate, but now that has changed. The interest will increase more than fivefold from this year.

Distributing personal information of another person in order to intimidate that person (also called doxing) will become a punishable offense. Data such as addresses, telephone numbers or private information about family members are distributed in app groups during doxing to frighten someone. In many cases it is care providers, police officers, journalists and politicians who become victims. Member of Parliament Eline Vedder (CDA) from Ruinerwold fell victim to such an action last year.
