More engagement for the students

BZ editor Andra Fischer comments on the shortage of teachers in Berlin's schools

BZ editor Andra Fischer comments on the shortage of teachers in Berlin’s schools Photo: picture alliance / PantherMedia / BZ assembly

By Andra Fischer

Berlin has an acute shortage of teachers. There were no staff for 973 positions at the beginning of the current school year. The prognosis for the next is bleaker: 1460 teachers will probably be missing.

The previous government had believed that the reintroduced civil servants would be able to alleviate the problem significantly. So far, it has not brought about a turnaround.

In the long term, however, civil servant status has one advantage: teachers with civil servant status can be transferred to any school in Berlin. Also to those where no one wants to go and the shortage of teachers is greatest.

If Berlin were then able to get more part-time teachers (37 percent worked part-time in 2022) – with bonuses if you like – the students in this city would already be helped. They deserved it.


school teacher shortage
