More Dutch soldiers to EU operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina | News item

News item | 06-04-2023 | 14:53

The Council of Ministers has decided to reinforce the EU operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Union Force (EUFOR Althea), with the deployment of an infantry company and an intelligence team. EUFOR Althea is committed to political and social stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The operation contributes to reducing the likelihood of a new conflict in the region. Since the war in Ukraine, the importance of EUFOR Althea has increased further.

From June, an intelligence team of up to 10 people will be operational in Sarajevo, tasked with gathering intelligence for EUFOR Althea. The infantry company of up to 150 soldiers will be deployed from October for a year. This company is part of the multi-national battalion of EUFOR Althea, whose task is to respond to various situations and to train and practice with the armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Netherlands is currently already contributing to EUFOR Althea with four staff officers.

EUFOR Althea is mandated by the UN Security Council to oversee the military implementation of the Dayton Treaty that ended the 1995 (civil) war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to the Netherlands, twenty other countries contribute to EUFOR Althea.
